Voice Recording Playback with Netsapiens

This article demonstrates how to set up Recording within Netsapiens and have those recordings pulled to Xima CCaaS.

Article #: 117

How To: set up Recording within Netsapiens and have those recordings pulled to Xima CCaaS

Similar questions: set up recording, recording in Netsapiens, direct recordings to Xima CCaaS, pull recordings to Xima CCaaS

Purpose: demonstrate how to set up Recording within Netsapiens and have those recordings pulled to Xima CCaaS


There are two things to keep in mind before following the steps below. The first is that Version 42 and above are the supported versions for this feature and functionality. The second is that all calls are stored and recorded on the Netsapiens side. Xima CCaaS has the capacity to play back those stored recordings on Netsapiens.

  1. Log in to your Netsapiens admin interface. Once there, go to Users and type in the user that you want to record. Please note that you must set up recording for all users that you would like to be recorded in this way.
  2. Once you have found your user, click on the associated edit button on the right hand side of the screen.
  3. A dropdown menu will appear. Click Phones.
  4. Choose the device you want to record and then click on the associated edit button on the right hand side of the screen.
  5. A window called Edit Phone will appear. Make sure that the Record Calls field says Yes.
  6. Click Save when done.
  7. Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e., example.xima.cloud)
  8. At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
  9. Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Admin(System) (cog wheel icon) > Target Platform Configuration
  10. A window called RingCentral Platform Settings will appear. Under the Enable Recording field, make sure it says Yes. Under the API Auth Status field, make sure it says Authenticated.
  11. Once you have made sure those fields are correct, click Save.
  12. Once you have made a call, that recording will appear in our Cradle to Grave interface. View this by clicking the Cradle to Grave tab in the top left hand corner of Xima CCaaS.
  13. A Configuration sidebar will appear. Select the time frame you would like to view your calls and click Apply.
  14. You will be able to see on the right hand side of the call that the recording is listed and can be played.
  15. Once you click on a recording to play it back, there are a few other options you can click on that appear in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
    a. The chat bubble icon allows you to add notes to your recording.
    b. The cloud/arrow icon allows you to download your recording.
    c. The three dots icon gives you two options. The first is that you can email this recording to others. The second is that you can create a snippet of your recording. This is useful because you can download or send a snippet of your recording if you do not want to send the entire recording.