Adding a Payment Method (Credit Card)

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to add a payment in Xima CCaaS using a credit card.

Article #: 80

How To: Add a Payment Method (Credit Card)

Similar questions: Add a payment method, change a payment method, add a credit card, change a credit card, delete a payment method.

Purpose: To demonstrate how to add a Payment Method (Credit Card) in Xima CCaaS


  1. Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e.,
  2. At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
  3. Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Admin(System) (cog wheel icon) > Payment Method
  4. A new window called Add Payment Method will appear. Select ‘Credit Card’ from the ‘Payment Type’ dropdown
  5. Enter Name on Card as it appears on your credit card
  6. Enter your Card Number as it appears on your credit card
  7. Enter the Expiration Date (month and year) from the dropdown as it appears on your credit card
  8. Select Save

A new window will appear and confirm that you have successfully added a new Payment Method (Credit Card) to Xima CCaaS. You may now begin using the service.