Configure Service Address Links

Set up Xima CCaaS to properly navigate to your account of Quality Management, Speech Analytics, and Workforce Management


Generally Available early Q2 of 2023


Licenses Required

The services referenced in this article are only available with the purchase of Quality Management, Speech Analytics, and/or Workforce Management licenses. Contact Xima Sales to learn more.

With applicable licenses purchased, the navigation to each services portal will be enabled but not complete without defining the service address for each. This applies to:

  • Xima Quality Management
  • Xima Speech Analytics
  • Xima Workforce Management

To set the service address for each, navigate to Additional Services ► Link Configuration


You'll then see the configuration menu, allowing you to set the URL for each portal's login.


Make sure to Save your changes.


Obtaining the Service Address URLs

If the URL is unknown, it may be obtained from Xima Support. Please have your serial key ready.