Holiday Condition
Holiday is a conditional step that can be added to any IVR. The purpose is to use a predefined list of holidays or other days that your company or specific departments will be closed for a full or partial day. This condition and subsequent actions will determine how an inbound call to that IVR should be handled when received on one of these days.
Building a New Holiday Profile
To build your first or an additional profile, select "Holiday Profiles" under the Routing Configuration menu.
If this will be your first profile, a template will already be loaded with a default name of "New Holiday Profile". You will need to update the profile name before saving. (i.e. "Company Holidays" or "Support Queue Closure"
If you already have existing profiles, they will be listed in the left pane. To add a new profile select "Add New Profile" in the bottom left. This is only visible when not editing a profile and prior to saving.
Next, populate the "Upcoming Holiday Notification Recipients" field with email addresses for contacts that should be notified of an upcoming holiday closure scheduled.
When will notifications be received?
Email notifications of an upcoming closure will be sent to those assigned 5 days prior to a scheduled holiday closure. This is your opportunity to correct the holiday profile if the closure is no longer correct or applicable.
If you already have existing profiles, they will be listed in the left pane. To add a new profile select "Add New Profile" in the bottom left. This is only visible when not editing a profile and prior to saving.

- To add a holiday, either start populating the empty row provided or click on "+ Add Holiday" if no empty rows are available.
- Name - Clear but short name of the holiday or reason for closure. Note: this name will be displayed in the email notification as well as reporting.
- Date - When is the day of closure? By default, the format is MM/DD. However, if you're in a region that uses DD/MM and have updated your tenant to use that format, it'll be respected here as well.
- All Day (checkbox) - Should the holiday closure apply all day long? If selected, Xima will cover the full 24 hours and will disable the fields for defining the begine and end time.
- Begin - What time should the closure begin?
- End - What time should the closure end?
Check your Timezone
We'll list the timezone your hosted service is set to in the bottom left of the profile menu (as pictured above).
To change your service-wide timezone, review this article.
- To add additional holidays, select the "+ Add Holiday" option to add a new blank row.
- Be sure to save. When you do, the save button will be disabled, indicating the save was successful. You may continue adding or editing other profiles or exit the menu by selecting the "X" in the top right.
Adding a Holiday Condition to an IVR
While configuring a new IVR Call Flow (or editing an existing one), select the "+" box to add a new condition/action
Select "Holiday" from the dropdown list
In the "Holiday Check" menu, fill out all fields
- Condition Name - What will this conditional step be displayed as in the flow and in historical reporting. As an example, you may call it "Check Company Holidays"
- Holiday Profile - Select which Holiday profile should be utilized from the existing list of all profiles.
- Manage Holiday Profile - If you need to build a new profile or edit an existing profile, you may select this text to enter the profile management menu as outlined in the section above
Select Apply when done.
Assigning Sub-Actions to the Holiday Condition
Once a holiday condition has been added to an IVR flow, you may first decide where you'd like the condition in the order of existing steps. Best practice would be near the top.
Next, as you hover over the bottom of the Holiday condition box, you'll see a slightly shorter "+" box appear beneath the condition. Here is where you'd assign sub-actions that should take place when the condition is met.
Updated 5 months ago