CCAC - Adjust Notifications

This article demonstrates how to turn on or off the pop notifications inside of the Contact Center Agent Client (CCAC).

Article #: 99

How To: turn on or off the pop notifications inside of the Contact Center Agent Client (CCAC)

Similar questions: adjust CCAC notifications, modify CCAC notifications, turn on CCAC notifications, turn off CCAC notifications

Purpose: demonstrate how to turn on or off the pop notifications inside of the Contact Center Agent Client (CCAC)


  1. Log in to the Contact Center Agent Client (CCAC)
  2. Click the three dots icon associated with your agent profile located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen

  1. A drop-down menu will appear, click Notifications
  2. A new window called “Notifications” will appear
    • Here you can see the different notifications you can turn on or off
      • Before an agent turns any of these notifications off, we recommend they check with their supervisor or manager to make sure that they may do this.
  1. Use the associated slider tools to toggle the desired notification(s) to the on or off position
  2. Click Save when done

Inbound Desktop Notifications

To ensure that Inbound Desktop Notifications work properly, a few more steps are necessary

  1. Click the slider for Inbound Desktop Notifications and hit Save

  2. A "Get notifications?" icon will appear in the top-left of your screen

  3. Select Allow

  4. Within Windows OS, navigate to System > Notifications > Google Chrome (or your default browser)

  5. Adjust the following settings:

    • Notifications = On

    • "Show notification banners" and "Show notifications in notification center" are selected

    • "Play a sound when a notification arrives" = On

    • "Priority of notifications in notifications center" = Normal

View the video below to see an example of a notification being turned off and how that can impact your experience.