Scheduling a Report
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to schedule a report in Xima CCaaS. It also has an in-depth example to illuminate the most commonly used features when scheduling a report.
Article #: 27
How To: schedule a report
Similar questions: schedule a report, edit a report, change a report, set up a report, create a report
Purpose: demonstrate how to schedule a report
- Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e.,
- At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
- Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Reports (document icon) > My Reports
- There are two options when scheduling a report. Go to the far right of the report you would like to schedule and click the three dots icon.
- A dropdown menu will appear. Click on Schedule.
- The second option to schedule a report is to click on the three dots icon located at the top right hand corner of the screen.
- A dropdown menu will appear. Click on Manage Schedules. Both options will lead you to the Schedule Report window.
- Click Add Schedule.
- Fill out the fields as appropriate.
Here are a few tips when filling out the fields:
- When adding an email address, note that you can add more than one. To add more than one email address, add a comma in between them.
- The delivery date will be the first time this report is received, but that will progress as time goes on.
- When determining a schedule period, a common request is to have a report delivered daily, but not all seven days of the week. To do this, select Day Of Week and select the days you would like the report delivered.
- Click Next.
- Add the reports you would like delivered. This is done by clicking the check mark box associated with the desired reports.
- Click Next.
- Lastly you need to configure these reports one last time, and then select Finish.
An In-Depth Example
This example with show you how to schedule a Xima CCaaS report so that it will run automatically for a specified time frame and be sent directly to your email.
Xima CCaaS reports can be scheduled to run automatically by hour, day, week, and month. Once a report is scheduled, they can be sent directly to your email for you to view.
To schedule a report, click the ellipsis in the top right-hand corner of the Reports page and click Manage Schedules. The Scheduling Report window will appear. You’ll click Add Schedule, which is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the window, and then you’ll fill out the information prompts on the screen.

Step One - Configuring the Schedule
In this first window you determine your desired schedule for the report to follow.
- Name the report schedule.
- Enter in the email that this schedule should be sent to.
- Select whether or not you would like an email link.
- Select your file format preference (PDF, XLS, HTML, CSV, JSON).
- Select when you would like your report to be delivered.
- Select what time you would like your report to be delivered.
- Select the frequency period you would like your report to be sent.
Time Period Options
- Hourly: Select to run the report hourly throughout the day.
- Daily: Select to run the report daily, every other day, every third day, etc.
- Day of Week: Select to run the report only on specific days.
- Weekly: Select to run the report every week, every other week, etc.
- Monthly: Select to run the report every month, or by specific months. (You can run the report by date, or by day of the week; e.g., run it every first Sunday of the month.)
- Hit "Next"
Note: Xima CCaaS is intuitive. Once a time frame has been selected and the report is scheduled, it will continue to follow that same pattern. For example, if you’ve set up a weekly report, the report will continue to follow the pattern of reporting on the first day of the week to the last day of the week, respectively.
Step Two - Selecting the Reports
This window will give you the option to select which report(s) you would like to be included in this specific report schedule.
Simply select the box next to each report(s) that you would like to have follow the defined schedule. Then hit Next.
Step Three - Configure the Reports
This window will prompt you to fill out the parameters for each report that you have selected to schedule.
Report Timeframe
Here, select the desired time frame you would like the report to cover.
- Starts: Here, you’ll fill out the date and time you would like the report to start.
- Ends: Here, you’ll fill out the date and time you would like the report to end.
Example: If you want to set up a monthly report, select the month you would like the report to start running. For this example, we’ll say we entered our start date as June 1st and our end date as June 30th. Because Xima CCaaS is intuitive, once a timeframe has been selected and the report is scheduled, it will continue to follow that same pattern. This means that on July 1st you will get a report covering June 1st through June 30th. The Scheduler will then move to August 1st, and on August 1st, you will get a report covering July 1st through July 31st. As a monthly report, it will report from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. The same rule applies for weekly reports (i.e., the report will continue to follow the pattern of reporting on the first day of the week to the last day of the week, respectively.).
This may not apply to each report
The next task is to select our Rows. This will depend on the report, as some reports won't request row information. In those cases, you will use the Criteria option. (See below) Typically this will contain items such as Agents, Groups/Skills, External Numbers, among other items.
Note: An asterisk represents a required field (aside from the timeframe).
The Criteria filter provides further (in some cases optional) configuration options. Each report will have criteria options specific to that report.
For example, some reports may have Group as a criteria option. If this is the desired criteria option, select Group from the drop down list. Next, select the plus symbol to the right of Criteria. This will create a new line in the configuration window, where you can now select the desired group(s) for the report.
You can now select the desired group(s) to apply to the report.
Additionally, there are options that will be consistent with each report. To use any of the other criteria options, simply select the desired criteria from the list of options, then hit the plus symbol. It will then add a new criteria line wherein you can select the desired criteria.
Additionally, it is possible to add multiple criteria options.
Once you have configured each report selected for your schedule, hit Finish.
If there is a need to adjust the report schedules in the future, select Manage Schedules again, and you will have the ability to edit your schedules.
Updated over 1 year ago