Customizing Supervisor Metrics
This article demonstrates how to customize Supervisor View metrics.
Article #: 50
How To: customize Supervisor View metrics
Similar questions: customize Supervisor View metrics, use Supervisor View metrics, edit Supervisor View metrics, change Supervisor View metrics
Purpose: demonstrate how to customize Supervisor View metrics
- Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e.,
- At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
- Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Realtime (upward arrow icon)> Supervisor View
- The first thing you may notice are summary metric tiles towards the top of the screen. And there is a chance you will not see any agents listed yet. To see logged out agents, click the filter tool that is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- A Filter Agents sidebar will appear. Click the checkbox associated with Display Offline Agents and then click Apply. You will now see logged out agents.
- Going back to the summary metrics mentioned in step four, those have to do will skills. To edit your summary metrics, click the three dots icon located in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then click on Edit Summary Metrics.
- Click Add New Metric. Select the metric you would like to add. For example, a metric you can add is abandoned call count.
- Once you’ve selected your metric, click Apply and then click Apply Changes. A new summary tile will appear.
- If you would like to look specifically at agent metrics instead of summary metrics, click the filter tool that is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Under Selection Mode, click the dropdown arrow and select Agent.
- Click the pencil icon to select all the agents you want displayed and then click Apply.
- Click Apply again. Now only your agents will be displayed.
- If you would like to edit all of your agents’ metrics simultaneously, click the three dots icon located in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then click on Edit Metrics for All Agents.
- Click Add New Metric. Select the metric you would like to add. For example, a metric you can add is inbound talking duration.
- Once you’ve selected your metric, click Apply and then click Apply Changes. Your new metric will appear on all of your agents’ tiles.
- If you would like to edit an individual agent’s metrics, click the three dots icon in the upper right hand corner of the agent’s tile. Then click Edit Agent Metrics.
- Click Add New Metric. Select the metric you would like to add. For example, a metric you can add is inbound call count.
- Once you’ve selected your metric, click Apply and then click Apply Changes. Your new metric will appear on your agent’s tile.
All the changes you make here will only apply to your user account. The changes will not apply to other supervisors or logins.
Updated over 1 year ago