Confirm Caller Number Action

Use Case

  • You need the customer to confirm their best phone number. This could be for receiving text messages or phone calls.

Adding a Confirm Caller Number Action to an IVR

  1. While configuring a new IVR Call Flow (or editing an existing one), select the "+" box to add a new condition/action

  2. Select "Confirm Caller Number - Action" from the dropdown list

  3. In the "Confirm Caller Number " menu, you'll have the following options:

Action Name - What will this action be displayed as in the flow and in historical reporting? As an example, you may call it "Verify Best SMS Number"

Session Parameter ID - This will serve as the key name for the value collected. It will also be available as a session parameter for other call behavior changes if desired (using a Parameter Condition).

Using the example above, numbers collected from callers will be shown to agents and logged historically as
"PhoneNum = "

Max Digits Allowed - Default is "11". It is recommended you adjust this to the maximum number of digits expected for a phone number in your region.

Note: Pressing "#" will end the input but is not required if the limit is reached. Keep that in mind when recording this menu greeting. They can press # to move on.

Timeout Duration - This setting is the amount of time we'll wait for caller input. The timer restarts with each digit pressed. If the timeout is reached, whatever digits the caller has entered up until that moment will be attached to the call. This helps prevent someone from being stuck in this menu if their digits are not being recognized.

Display Digits in Historical Logging - If this checkbox is enabled, the parameter ID and its value will be displayed in C2G and available for searching and reports. If disabled, there will be no record of the session parameter entered in the Xima database.

Display to Agent - If the checkbox is enabled, the parameter ID and its value will be displayed in CCAC for the agent to see while on the call with the customer.

Number Verification Intro

This will be the first message the caller hears from this menu. Its purpose is to begin the query if the number we recognize as the caller's ID is the correct number.

A good example would be "We can text you back at..." as it will be followed by the numbers being read.

Number Confirmation Prompt

This will be the message you hear immediately after the caller's ID number is read. Its purpose is to ask if the number that was just read is the correct number.

A good example would be "If this number is correct, press 1. If the number is incorrect, press 2"

Note: "1" is to confirm and "2" is to reject. Make sure the announcement covers this.

Request Number Prompt -

In the event the caller pressed 2 to indicate they'd prefer a different number be used, this message will be played to ask the caller to enter the better number

A good example would be "Please enter the preferred number now, followed by the pound key"

Confirmation Success Announcement

Once the customer has confirmed the best number by pressing "1", this message will be played to wrap up this experience.

A good example would be "Thank you for confirming your best contact number"

Digit Playback Language Pack

Since the IVR will be reading back the customer's phone number, this is the language pack that will be used to accomplish this portion. You may select a default language pack or a custom one you created. Note that this can be your own version of an English language pack for example.

Invalid Entry Announcement

This message will be heard if there is an invalid entry from the caller. They'll be able to attempt again after the announcement.

A good example would be "Invalid entry, please try again.

Manage Announcements

This hyperlink will take you to the announcements list. There you'll be able to manage existing announcements and add new ones.

Make sure to save your changes.

Adding a Confirm Caller Number Action to an existing condition as a sub-action

  1. If you are interested in only having the caller prompted to confirm their number if a certain condition is met, simply hover over the bottom edge of the condition until an indented "+" box appears. Then select the "+" option:

  2. Select "Confirm Caller Number - Action" from the resulting dropdown menu and follow all steps as outlined above.