How to Export a Wallboard
This article demonstrates how to export a Wallboard.
Article #: 65
How To: export a Wallboard
Similar questions: export a Wallboard, upload a Wallboard, download a Wallboard, create a Wallboard, edit a Wallboard, open a Wallboard, delete a Wallboard, share a Wallboard
Purpose: demonstrate how to export a Wallboard
- Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e.,
- At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
- Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Realtime (upward arrow icon)> Realtime Wallboards
- Locate the tile of the Wallboard you would like to export and click on the associated three dots icon.
- Click Export.
- This will produce a JSON file. By default, this file goes to the Downloads folder on your computer.
To import the exported wallboard:
7. Select "New Wallboard" from the Realtime Wallboards home screen
8. Select "Import a Wallboard" in the top-right
9. Select the saved JSON file.
Updated over 1 year ago