CCAC - Taking a Break

This article demonstrates how to take a break using the Contact Center Do Not Disturb (DND).

Article #: 47

How To: take a break using the Contact Center Do Not Disturb (DND)

Similar questions: take a break, use take a break option, take a break using DND, take a break using CC DND, understanding take a break feature, using DND, understanding DND

Purpose: demonstrate how to take a break using the Contact Center Do Not Disturb (DND)


  1. When logged in to the Contact Center Agent Client (CCAC), you can take a break by going into the Do Not Disturb state. This is done by clicking on the Ready slider in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
  2. A window called “Do Not Disturb” will appear. Click the reason you are going on a break (i.e., lunch, team meeting, coffee, restroom break, etc.) and then click Select.

At this time you will not receive any calls and/or chats from the skill groups. You can still receive personal calls if someone knows your direct number or internal calls from your peers.

  1. Once you are done with your break, click the On DND slider once again to put you back in a Ready state.