Build a New IVR Flow
This article will cover the basics to building a new IVR Flow
First, open the IVR Flow builder by selecting "IVR Call Flows" from the Routing Configuration menu
If it is your first IVR, the editor will open as a blank template ready to be configured.
If you have existing IVRs and you want to build a new IVR, you'll need to select "+ Add New IVR Flow" in the bottom left. -
Start by giving your IVR a name. This will be how it's displayed in Cradle to Grave and historical logging.
Next, select the "+" bar under "IVR Conditions and Actions" to add your first action or condition
You'll be prompted to select the desired action or condition from a drop-down list.
After a selection is made, simply follow the configuration menu that varies for each type of action or condition
- Be sure to give the action/condition a clear precise name for easy identification later.
Once an action or condition is configured, it will be added to the IVR flow list with it's given custom name and its action/condition method
If the added step is a condition, you may add sub-actions to that condition by hovering the mouse just below the condition bar until you see a slightly smaller "+" box. Click the new add box and select an action that should take place if the parent condition has been met.
Add additional conditions or actions as needed.
NOTE: Actions, conditions, and sub-action will occur in top-down order.
The final step is setting a "Fallback Action" to be used in the event a call goes through the full flow and did not end with a terminating action (transfer, drop, or digit menu) OR an issue occurred with an action and a call did not exit the IVR.
The available options are to drop the call or to select a transfer destination -
Once you've configured the name, steps, and fallback as desired, the final step is to save and apply the IVR. This is done by selecting the "Make Live" button. Note: after the button is selected, it will display as "Live" and will be disabled until there is a new change to save. This will allow you to adjust other IVRs without leaving the menu following your changes.
Updated 7 months ago