3CX Configuration
This article demonstrates how to configure 3CX with Xima CCaaS.
Purpose: demonstrate how to configure 3CX with Xima CCaaS
Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e., example.xima.cloud)
At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
Login: Administrator
Password: password -
Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Admin (System) > Target Platform Configuration
A new window called “3CX Platform Setting” will appear. Also note that the SIP Server Port and SIP Channel Capacity is filled out by default. In the SIP Transport Protocol, type in TCP.
To fill out the last piece of information, log in to the 3CX portal..
Once you have logged in to the 3CX portal, go to the URL at the top. The 3CX portal URL will have the server host information you need. Highlight the portion of the URL that you need, and then go back to Xima CCaaS to copy and paste that information.
Click Save.
A new window called “Confirm Changes” will appear. Click OK.
Click the Manage Platform Users button under the Platform Users section. Since 3CX doesn’t have an API to pull users automatically, you will need to do this manually by clicking said button.
A new window called “Users” will appear. Click the + icon to add a user. Then fill in the name and extension as it reads in 3CX.
To add users en masse, there is an Import Users button you can click on in the lower left hand corner. Before selecting this, go to the 3CX portal and then Extensions > Export to export your users. Click Import Users back in the Xima CCaaS portal.
Click Open when you have selected your users and then click Done.
Click Save.
A new window called “Confirm Changes” will appear. Click OK.
You will then, In the Xima CCaaS portal, go to Admin (System) > Manage SIP Extensions
A new window called “SIP Extensions” will appear. Click the + icon located in the upper right hand corner of the window.
A new window called “Add Extension” will appear. Here you will need to enter the SIP Extension and the SIP Password. To get this information, go back to the 3CX portal.
Go to Extensions > + Add
Fill out the fields of information below. There are a few things to note about this:
a. The extension number will be added by default.
b. When typing in the first and last name, we recommend you name the extension something specific to Xima CCaaS to make finding the extension easier. -
Hold off on filling out the Outbound Caller ID or adding a DID, and instead go to the Voicemail tab.
Disable Voicemail by unchecking the box next to Enable Voicemail
Go to the Forwarding Rules tab. Under the Options section, select Accept multiple calls
Go to the Phone Provisioning tab. Under the SIP Transport section, select TCP
Go to the Options tab.
a. Under the Restrictions section, disable Block remote phones using stun (Insecure!) by unchecking the associated box.
b. Under the Troubleshooting section, enable PBX Delivers Audio by checking the associated box. -
Click OK near the top of the screen.
Go to Inbound Rules
Select from your list of DIDs.
Under the Route call to section under the Destination for calls during office hours field, select Extension. From the dropdown that appears, select the extension that you have just set up. Do the same thing under the Destination for calls outside office hours field.
Click the OK button located near the top of the screen when you are done.
Go back to the extension itself by selecting Extensions and clicking on the extension you’ve created. Near the bottom under the Direct Inbound Dialing (DID) section, you will see that the DID has been assigned.
Scroll up to the User Information section of the extension and notice we still have not filled out our Outbound Caller ID field. To get this information, go to Inbound Rules and select the DID you assigned to the extension.
In the top right corner of the screen, you will notice the DID number. Copy that number and paste it into the Outbound Caller ID field by going to Extensions, selecting the extension you’ve created, and locating the Outbound Caller ID field.
Click OK near the top of the screen.
You will now need to go to the Xima CCaaS Admin portal.
In the Add Extension tab, remember that we need to add some information.
a. Type in the SIP extension number of the extension you’ve created
b. Type in the SIP password and authentication ID. This information is found by going to the 3CX portal > Extensions > Phone Provisioning. The authentication ID and password will be listed under the Authentication section. -
Click Save.
It will take a minute for the extension to register, but once it has, go ahead and click Done.
Updated 9 months ago