Modifying an Agent's Simultaneous Sessions

This article demonstrates how to modify an Agent’s simultaneous sessions in Xima CCaaS.

Article #: 2

How To: Modify an Agent’s Simultaneous Sessions

Similar questions: modify an agent’s simultaneous sessions, change an agent’s simultaneous sessions, edit an agent’s simultaneous sessions, modify a session, change a session, modify an agent session, change an agent session

Purpose: To demonstrate how to modify an Agent’s simultaneous sessions in Xima CCaaS


  1. Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e.,
  2. At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
  3. Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Contact Center Configuration > Skill Management
  4. A new window called Skill Management will appear. Under the Max Simultaneous Sessions column, click the table cell with the corresponding agent to change the amount of simultaneous sessions they are allowed to handle.
  5. Once you’ve typed in the new number into the table cell, select Save.