CCAC - Queue Callbacks Reserve Agent

This article demonstrates what to expect as an agent when they have been reserved for a callback.

Article #: 84

How To: know what to expect as an agent when they have been reserved for a callback

Similar questions: expectation of Reserve Agent feature in CCAC, use Reserve Agent feature in CCAC, example of Reserve Agent process

Purpose: demonstrate what to expect as an agent when they have been reserved for a callback


This is not a step-by-step list of instructions on how to set up Reserve Agent, but rather a step-by-step order of events when (as an agent) being reserved for a callback.

  1. When logged in to CCAC, there will be a real time display that has different sections. One section will be for your callbacks. You will know if you have been reserved if there is a number in the pending box.
  2. When you put yourself in a Ready state and activate your channel(s), this will allow you to be available for pending callbacks.
  3. Once that is done, you’ll notice that under the Active Media section, the text “Reserved for Callback” will appear, meaning that you have been reserved for a callback.
  4. A timer will also appear under the Active Media section. This timer is the amount of time the customer has to answer their callback and speak to you.
  5. When the customer answers the system’s callback and agrees to speak with an agent, you will receive an incoming call from that customer.
  6. Go ahead and answer to address the customer’s questions.