Supervisor Queue Control
This article demonstrates how to set up supervisor queue control.
Article #: 31
How To: set up supervisor queue control
Similar questions: set up supervisor queue control, create supervisor queue control, edit supervisor queue control, delete supervisor queue control
Purpose: demonstrate how to set up supervisor queue control
- Web to Xima CCaaS with the URL that has been provided (i.e.,
- At the login screen, enter Username and Password and hit Login
- Along the left-hand side in the navigation pane, select Realtime (upward arrow icon) > Supervisor View
- In the top right hand corner of the screen, click on the three dots icon.
- A dropdown menu will appear. Click on View Calls in Queue
- A window called “Calls in Queue” will appear. Select the skill you would like to add more control to. Also note that you can see the external number in queue and their wait time. In this example, they are also number one in queue. From there, you will have a few options:
a. Transfer to Agent: This allows you to determine which agent you would like a call in queue to transfer to. This is done by clicking on the dropdown.
b. Transfer to Skill: This allows you to determine which skill you would like a call in queue to transfer to. This is done by clicking on the dropdown.
c. Transfer to Dialable Number: This allows you to determine which agent you would like a call in queue to transfer to. This is done by typing in the number (voicemail box, external number, internal extension, etc.) you would like the call in queue to transfer to.
Also note here that your external number is number one in queue. If you would like to apply these changes to a different number in queue, that is an option. An example use case for this is if you have a VIP customer and want to give them special treatment by you personally, so you set up your queue control to send them to your cell phone.
Updated 9 months ago