Digit Menu Action
Use Case
- Presents your callers with a "phone-tree" experience where they can choose which department they're hoping to reach
- Provide your callers the ability to hear your address, warranty information, or other details without needing an agent
- Offer your callers the ability to reach a specific agent if they know the correct extension.
How to Build a New Digit Menu Profile
To build a new Digit Menu Profile or to edit an existing one, you may select "Digit Menu Profiles" in the navigation bar here:
You may also open the profile builder while building an IVR by adding a Digit Menu action then selecting "Manage Digit Menu Profiles"
If it is your first profile, the template for a new profile will already be loaded on screen. If you're adding a new profile to an existing list, simply click on "+ Add New Profile"
Fill out the digit menu settings to define the caller experience in the menu.
Digit Menu Profile Name - The name of the menu that will be visible in historical logging when utilized.
Greeting - This announcement will be heard by the caller. Best practice is to inform the caller of each of their options in the menu and how to navigate.
Note: The announcement may be interrupted if the caller presses a digit. It does not need to play in its entirety.
Greeting Repeat Count - How many times with the menu repeat itself if either no entry is selected or invalid entries are attempted. If the count is exceeded, the timeout action will be triggered.
Timeout Action - In the event the menu has repeated beyond the set repeat count and the caller has not selected an option that exits the menu, the caller will either be automatically dropped or transferred as defined in this setting.
Message for Invalid Entry - In the event the caller presses a digit that is not configured, the selected announcement will be played and then the menu will restart so long as the repeat limit has not been reached.
Next, define the digit destinations
- Select the "+" icon in the applicable row for the digit you'd like to configure for selection
- In the resulting menu, select the desired action from the drop down menu:
- "Forced Announcement" will play a selected message in its entirety to the caller then return to the beginning of the digit menu. An example use case would be to offer the caller your company address if they press 5.
- "Transfer" is the most common use case where you'll be able to select an IVR, Skill, Agent, or Dialable number to transfer the caller to upon selection.
- "Dial by Extension" will allow the caller to enter their desired contact's extension number to be transferred directly to them. When selected you'll see a new menu:
- "Play Announcement" is the message that will be played to the caller, encouraging them to enter their party's extension.
- "Timeout Duration" is the amount of time in seconds that we'll wait for the extension input.
- "Invalid Announcement" is the message that will be played if the caller enters an invalid extension that is not recognized in the user list.
Once all settings are configured and all desired destinations have been added, be sure to save your changes.
Adding a Digit Menu Action to an IVR
While configuring a new IVR Call Flow (or editing an existing one), select the "+" box to add a new condition/action
Select "Digit Menu - Action" from the dropdown list
In the resulting "Digit Menu Action" menu, select the digit menu profile you'd like to apply to the IVR.
If you do not have the desired profile configured yet, you may select "Manage Digit Menus" to build a new one as outline in the How to Build a New Digit Menu Profile section above.
Click Apply
Adding a Digit Menu Action to an Existing Condition as a Sub-Action
If you are interested in only having the caller enter the digit menu if a certain condition is met , simply hover over the bottom edge of the condition until an indented "+" box appears. Then select the "+" option:
Select "Digit Menu - Action" from the resulting dropdown menu and follow all steps as outlined above.
Updated 5 months ago