Reason Code Report Value Definitions
This article is a comprehensive list of available values and their definitions that you may choose from when creating a custom Reason Code report.
Reason Codes provide further information into why your agents are on Do Not Disturb, and to why they're logging out of their group(s) and extension. You can learn how to create a customized list of reasons by clicking here.
Reason Code Count
This value shows the number of times a given reason code was used.
Reason Codes provide further information into why your agents are on Do Not Disturb, and to why they're logging out of their skill(s) and extension. You can learn how to create a customized list of reasons by clicking here.
For a list of filter definitions for Reason Code Count, see the Report Filter Criteria article.
Reason Code Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of a given reason code.
Reason Codes provide further information into why your agents are on Do Not Disturb, and to why they're logging out of their skill(s) and extension. You can learn how to create a customized list of reasons by clicking here.
For a list of filter definitions for Reason Code Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria article.
Updated over 1 year ago